our approach


Pentarch Agricultural understands the importance of its environmental responsibilities. Our processing sites are designed and developed in a manner consistent with environmental best practices.

We treat very seriously our responsibility in following protocols that ensure all hay exported is free of annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) and that all chemicals used throughout the growing process are traced and recorded in Foddersafe.

Pentarch Agricultural Hay Field


Pentarch Agricultural actively engages with local communities where business is located. The Narrogin Hay facility, located in the heart of the Great Southern grain district of Western Australia, employs up to 20 people from the town and surrounding districts.

It utilises services and supplies from a range of local businesses and, of prime importance, acquires hay and straw from growers in a catchment area of up to 250 kilometres from the processing plant.

This equates to average spending of $15 million to $20 million per annum for the Great Southern region.

The company also supports the community with a number of sponsorships to sporting bodies and memberships of regional bodies such as the Narrogin Chamber of Commerce.

Pentarch Agricultural Narrogin facilities